The Future Internet Public-Private Partnership (FI-PPP) advanced a shared vision for harmonised European-scale technology platforms and their implementation, as well as the integration and harmonisation of the relevant policy, legal, political and regulatory frameworks.

Part of the Digital Agenda for Europe, the FI-PPP has helped make infrastructures and business processes smarter (i.e. more intelligent, more efficient, more sustainable) through tighter integration with Internet networking and computing capabilities.

Digital Innovation Platforms Network & Service Management

Project Objectives

The INFINITY (INfrastructures for the Future Internet commuNITY) project was a Support Action focused on capacity building and infrastructure support. The goal of the project was to leverage existing investments to support advanced experiments demonstrating the versatility of the FI-PPP Core Platform across a multiplicity of heterogeneous environments and use cases.

Through collaboration with organisations across Europe, we captured and communicated information about available infrastructures and interoperability requirements and issues. We documented usage-related operational constraints, identified and fostered federation opportunities that could facilitate large scale experimentation and testing, taking into account social, economic and technological issues.

FI-PPP infrastructures

The INFINITY project developed and maintained a dynamic innovative repository called XiPi, which provides an on-line catalogue of Future Internet infrastructures. Through a collaborative Web-based approach, it describes infrastructures as a 'living organism' and brings together the two key aspects of FI-PPP projects: the infrastructures and the applications. XiPi facilitates the creation of a sustainable 'market' where infrastructure owners and operators can market and advertise capability and capacity that can meet users' demands. Similarly, users can publicise their application scenario and experiments developed on one or more infrastructures present in the repository.

We produced a series of recommendations, roadmaps, tactical actions and strategies to enhance the potential for the identified infrastructures to participate in the trialling of FI-PPP Use Cases as the Programme progresses.

Project Fact Sheet

The INFINITY project was a 38 month project funded by the EC FP7 framework programme.

Coordinator: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
More information:

European emblem INFINITY has received EC research funding.