
Telemetry logo

Trustworthy mEthodologies, open knowLedgE & autoMated tools for sEcurity Testing of IoT software, haRdware & ecosYstems

Secure Society Health & Wellbeing Smart Manufacturing Network & Service Management

Project Vision

TELEMETRY will provide trustworthy tools that enable the continuous assessment of heterogenous, interlinked components & systems that constitute IoT ecosystems (interconnected IoT devices with hardware, software, services and communications infrastructure). Addressing all aspects of their lifecycle, the TELEMETRY holistic methodology and toolkit incorporates: testing for component development, testing & monitoring for component integration into systems, testing & monitoring for operation of systems.

TELEMETRY will deliver advances in cybersecurity testing and runtime monitoring through the use of novel machine learning models and algorithms for real-time anomaly detection; dynamic risk assessment to simulate likelihood and severity of threat consequences; reputation management and privacy-preserving data sharing across independent entities (e.g. supply chains), IoT device emulation and analysis environment and lightweight approaches for trusted updates; all of which that promotes a cycle of continuous improvement and assurance across design and runtime phases.

TELEMETRY will leverage 3 exemplar use cases representing diverse, complex IoT ecosystems and IoT supply chains in aerospace, smart manufacturing and telecommunications domains to drive the design and validation of the proposed tools and methodologies. This will lead to significant improvements with respect to accuracy of threat and vulnerability detection, response time and cost of testing and verification of IoT ecosystems. TELEMETRY will promote open source and knowledge sharing through engagement with relevant communities throughout the project for consultation, dissemination and exploitation of its results.

Project Objectives

The overall objective of TELEMETRY is to support the creation and sustainability of resilient digital infrastructures, systems and processes through continuous vulnerability and risk analysis of IoT components and ecosystems:

  • Ground & Evaluate TELEMETRY in Three Real-World IoT Ecosystems

  • Capture Vulnerability Indicators, Manage Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) & Assess Cybersecurity Risks

  • Create Tools & Techniques for Testing, Vulnerability Detection & Patch Management

  • Determination of Holistic Testing Methodologies & Integration of Tools into a Toolkit

  • Ensure Long-Term Beneficial Impact of TELEMETRY

IT Innovation's Role

IT Innovation Centre Logo

IT Innovation leads Testing Practice, Vulnerability & Risk Knowledge Capture & Analysis. We will analyse existing knowledge to identify the most appropriate metrics and indicators that are representative of the use case contexts associated with device, software & systemic vulnerabilities for IoT ecosystems; extend existing risk assessment approaches to enable a systemic risk assessment considering complex interactions between components that form IoT ecosystems and provide tools and knowledge to enable risk management at both design time and runtime and inform mitigation strategies; provide a trusted and secure mechanism to exchange testing, verification and security-related information while maintaining data sovereignty and privacy

Telemetry brings together IT Innovation's extensive experience in ICT risk modelling and builds on the Spyderisk methodology and tools.

Project Fact Sheet

The Telemetry project is a 36 month project funded by the EC Horizon Europe programme.

More information: TO BE PUBLISHED

European emblem This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe's research and innovation programme under grant agreement No TBD.

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