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BonFIRE designed, built and operated a multi-site Cloud prototype FIRE facility to support research across applications, services and systems at all stages of the R&D lifecycle, targeting the services research sector of the Future Internet community.

BonFIRE gave researchers in these areas access to a facility that supported large scale multidisciplinary experimentation of their systems and applications addressing all aspects of research across all layers. We developed and supported a framework that allowed service-based computing practitioners to experiment with their latest ideas in service orientation and distributed computing.

Our overall goal was to encourage new communities of experimenters to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the FIRE infrastructure to guide the development of the Future Internet from a service-based applications standpoint. The facility was demand-driven, open, standards-based and dynamic. It provided additional functionality to what was currently available, especially in terms of control and observability. It adopted the principle of "open coordinated federation of testbeds".

BonFIRE was a significant FIRE success story, for which IT Innovation led the Open Access initiative as part of post-project sustainability via the BonFIRE Foundation. For more information on the successes of BonFIRE, have a look at this BonFIRE newsletter.

Digital Innovation Platforms Network & Service Management

Project Fact Sheet

The BonFIRE project was a 43 month project funded by the EC FP7 framework programme.

Coordinator: BonFIRE Foundation

European emblem BonFIRE has received EC research funding.